Authentic Artists

For the bit between the Music and the Business - YOU!

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Music creators... 

...often struggle with a gap in their skillset that is critical to them surviving and thriving - business skills - that enable them to make more money and feel they are making measurable progress in their music career. What separates my service from other music education is that rather than teach you about the music business, I coach you how to run YOUR business WITHIN music. My clients receive both practical and personal coaching on what is holding them back and typically make rapid progress in a short space of time, making more money with strategic planning, being organised and feeling much more confident.

I enable musicians, artists and songwriters to successfully plan their business and confidently communicate their message so their music can be heard, and paid. 

To book a call with me to see if I can help you. One call per person/band.

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Lessons in AMPS: Amp Up YOUR Success in Music:

  1. 1 Why business skills if I just want to be a musician?

    Objective: Understand why you need the skills to run your business and what this course is about.

  2. 2 Welcome

    Objective: To open your mindset and potential to being in the business of music.

  3. 3 Business Mindset Webinar

    Objective: To open your mindset and potential to being in the business of music.

  4. 4 Money Mindset Webinar

    Objective: To open your mindset and potential to being in the business of music.

Lessons in AMPS: 6 Module Course:

  1. 1 AMPS - Welcome from Jacq

    Objective: Build a Sustainable Music Business and Make a Living Doing What You Love

  2. 2 AMPS 1 - Mindset Recorded Course Session

    Objective: Gain the awareness and skills needed to succeed in YOUR business within music.

  3. 3 Authentic Audit

    Objective: Take stock of what you need to change.

  4. 4 Commitment

    Objective: How committed am I?

  5. 5 AMPS 2 - Money Recorded Course Session

    Objective: Money in Music

  6. 6 Budgeting Download - Personal

    Objective: Budgeting

  7. 7 Budgeting Download - Business

    Objective: Budgeting

  8. 8 AMPS 3 - Support Structures Recorded Course Session

    Objective: Support Structures

  9. 9 Structure Download - S.M.A.R.T. Goals

    Objective: SMART Goals

  10. 10 AMPS 4 - Art Recorded Course Session

    Objective: Authentic Art

  11. 11 Mind-map Download

    Objective: Brain-storm and Mind-mapping

  12. 12 AMPS 5 - Pitch- Recorded Course Session

    Objective: Understand what pitching is in the context of networking, marketing and selling your music

  13. 13 Social Media Plan

    Objective: Social media and marketing planning

  14. 14 Pitch Perfect Process

    Objective: Pitching Perfectly

  15. 15 AMPS 6- Plan- Recorded Course Session

    Objective: Gain the awareness and skills needed to succeed in YOUR business within music.

Lessons in Money in Music:

  1. 1 Money in Music

    Objective: To understand your behaviours and beliefs with money in your life and business

  2. 2 How to earn £25k - ideas and inspiration

    Objective: Expand the ideas of what is possible to earn with the right mix of activities for your skills.

  3. 3 Budgeting Speadsheet

    Objective: Provide a 'done for you' spreadsheet for your budgeting

Lessons in Pitch Perfect: Networking, Selling and Pitching in Music:

  1. 1 Pitch Perfect: What it is and why you need to master it

    Objective: Understand what pitching is in the context of networking, marketing and selling your music

  2. 2 Content Marketing Plan

    Objective: Plan your content marketing and social media strategy.

  3. 3 Pitch Process

    Objective: Create your pitch; evolve it as you change and grow

About Jacqueline Norton

Jacqueline Norton is a creative (lyricist) and a coach with a wealth of experience in the corporate world. Bringing a wide range of skills together means that she can help with what you need to do, and, why you aren't doing it. She coaches privately, runs group programmes and works with senior executives to those just starting out in their careers. She is a business advisor for Help Musicians UK charity.

✅ NLP Practitioner
✅ Accredited CAM Life Coach
✅ Clinical Hypnotherapist
✅ EFT- Emotional Freedom

Authentic Artists is a coaching service that supports creatives with the skills of working within the music business that can sometimes be overlooked - business skills. Musicians, songwriters, artists, DJs and producers are naturally gifted in creative idea generation, emotional connection and many of the ‘right-brain’ characteristics. For those that struggle with the more linear, ‘left-brain’ skills, Authentic Artists offers coaching, training and support for both practical and mindset disciplines that balance the music with the business.

Created in 2015 to fill a clear need to support her creative collaborators with building confidence in business and networking skills, Jacqueline Norton is a songwriter with a wealth of corporate experience in professional sales and executive coaching. She established Aurate Limited in 2019 within which Authentic Artists brand operates.

What Our Members Have to Say:

“I discovered Jacq through Help Musicians and after hearing her speak at an induction felt I should reach out to her. Upon talking further with Jacq I could sense that her knowledge was grounded with experience and balanced with a very keen intuition that allowed her to perceive me on multiple levels. This sense of being seen is quite rare and created an atmosphere where I felt very present and open to learning from her. Thank you Jacq!” ― Ebe Oke
“I came to Jacq in a muddled and confused state as many artists find themselves in. Juggling a full-time music career means all the fingers in many pies – freelancing between paying the rent, meeting deadlines, and trying to be the artist that you truly believe you can be. Jacq has been very sensitive, perceptive, bespoke and flexible in what I have needed – never once have I felt “she must say this to everyone".
She has given me the practical tools to be able to cope with the immediate urgency of bill paying work whilst grasping the unique positions we land ourselves in as business owners. Most importantly she allows space to connect with the ever neglected artist that we set out to be. I am very grateful to Jacq in helping me re-gain practical and spiritual control over my career. Also, she’s just a proper mint person. ” ― HATi
“The level of support Jacq offers is significant and you feel like she is there for you, but she also holds you to account which spurs you on to push past your comfort zone, which is exactly what I was looking for to help me to the next stage of my creative development. This course has greatly helped with putting my internal and external structures in place and navigate through a lot of creative as well as personal obstacles in a short space of time. "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear” and for me, that teacher was Jacq! ” ― Sara Shevlin
“I have been working with Jacqueline to prepare for some big meetings I have coming up as a recording artist and songwriter. After going into a few meetings and thinking I could wing it, as I'm quite confident, I realised how unprepared I was to pitch myself. Confidence isn't enough! I would tend to get flustered and waffle on a bit if I was asked certain questions (that always seem to arise) because I didn't have a well thought out response that would put a positive spin on their question. Now when those questions come up in meetings I feel confident delivering an intelligent answer that puts people at ease and demonstrates to them that I'm professional and prepared. Thank you Jacqueline! I'm ready to walk into those meetings as an equal!” ― Michelle LaFortune
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