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Money in Music

Music creators often struggle with a gap in their skillset that is critical to them surviving and thriving - business skills - that ena...

Money in Music
Coupon Applied

£197 GBP

“I have been working with Jacqueline to prepare for some big meetings I have coming up as a recording artist and songwriter. After going into a few meetings and thinking I could wing it, as I'm quite confident, I realised how unprepared I was to pitch myself. Confidence isn't enough! I would tend to get flustered and waffle on a bit if I was asked certain questions (that always seem to arise) because I didn't have a well thought out response that would put a positive spin on their question. Now when those questions come up in meetings I feel confident delivering an intelligent answer that puts people at ease and demonstrates to them that I'm professional and prepared. Thank you Jacqueline! I'm ready to walk into those meetings as an equal!” ― Michelle LaFortune
“The level of support Jacq offers is significant and you feel like she is there for you, but she also holds you to account which spurs you on to push past your comfort zone, which is exactly what I was looking for to help me to the next stage of my creative development. This course has greatly helped with putting my internal and external structures in place and navigate through a lot of creative as well as personal obstacles in a short space of time. "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear” and for me, that teacher was Jacq! ” ― Sara Shevlin
“I came to Jacq in a muddled and confused state as many artists find themselves in. Juggling a full-time music career means all the fingers in many pies – freelancing between paying the rent, meeting deadlines, and trying to be the artist that you truly believe you can be. Jacq has been very sensitive, perceptive, bespoke and flexible in what I have needed – never once have I felt “she must say this to everyone".
She has given me the practical tools to be able to cope with the immediate urgency of bill paying work whilst grasping the unique positions we land ourselves in as business owners. Most importantly she allows space to connect with the ever neglected artist that we set out to be. I am very grateful to Jacq in helping me re-gain practical and spiritual control over my career. Also, she’s just a proper mint person. ” ― HATi
“I discovered Jacq through Help Musicians and after hearing her speak at an induction felt I should reach out to her. Upon talking further with Jacq I could sense that her knowledge was grounded with experience and balanced with a very keen intuition that allowed her to perceive me on multiple levels. This sense of being seen is quite rare and created an atmosphere where I felt very present and open to learning from her. Thank you Jacq!” ― Ebe Oke
Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Once purchased there is no refund after the first module is viewed. The value is not in consumption of knowledge, but in doing the exercises, the inner work to understand what is stopping you and the practical application of the advice. However, if you are dissatisfied, please contact us at for further assistance.

Authentic Artists